Service, Repairs and Maintenance
Caring for your press
To increase the longevity of your etching press and keep it running smoothly, we recommend the following tips:
Keep your press clean
After a day of printing, be sure to wipe down your press to remove any ink on the press bed.
Remove pressure
Once you have finished printing, make sure you remove any plates or runners from underneath, so that the roller isn't pushing down on anything.
Keep water away
Avoid wiping down the press with water, and be sure to remove any wet blankets and properly dry them after use. Water can cause the top roller and press bed to rust.
Oil the top roller
The natural oils in our skin can be useful in maintaining the steel of the top roller. Rub down the top roller with your hand occasionally to keep in the moisture, or apply machine oil with a rag.
Keep your press covered​
When you're not using it, place a sheet of natural fabric such as calico or linen over the press bed and top roller to prevent dust from building up.
Setting your press for relief prints
Press servicing
We offer servicing of all of our presses. Press servicing within Metropolitan Melbourne is $400 and interstate will incur a higher fee. Contact us
to organise a service.
If your press requires additional maintenance (highly unlikely), we can replace parts for it. Contact us for any enquiries regarding maintenance.
All presses are covered by a two year warranty on any damage which comes about by normal use. Rust or damage to rollers is the responsibility of the persons using the press. Give me a call or check the web site for information about care and maintenance for your equipment.
Fitzroy Etching Presses and Printmakers takes no responsibility for the health and safety of the user with any of our equipment. Do not expose yourself to any dangerous products at any time during the printmaking process. We do not supply breathing apparatus, chemical resistant gloves, clothing protection, safety glasses etc. This is the responsibility of the user. All care has been taken in our manufacturing to make our products safe but of course you will be dealing with heavy rollers under pressure, resins, cleaning products, paint, ink, copper and whatever else you require to make an image.
Contact Stephen if you need any assistance with any issue regarding printmaking.